Digital Maritime RegulationsRegs4yachts is an updated, searchable, maritime regulation database that combines Flag State compliance documentation with IMO, ILO & EU legislation to provide
an overall regulatory solution.
The database includes a search tool, keywords, subject index and, importantly, fully corrected content making the management of ever-changing safety and pollution
regulations simple.
Regs4yachts removes regulatory uncertainty both onboard and in the office. Here are three examples…
All MEPC corrigendums are not only included but the applicable text is extracted and incorporated into the referenced MEPC Annex.
SOLAS amendments will have the amendment applied to the SOLAS chapter and regulation.
Flag/IMO/ILO documentation is often related but hard to find and not always obvious. We recognise this by including an Associated Documentation section on
every page, putting all related documentation at your fingertips.